What's creamy, soft, scrubby and yellow at the same time? The Body Shop Honeymania Cream Body Scrub! Hahaha. xD Yes, it is a fantastic body scrub. I got it on sale at The Body Shop for $20 ($15.97 USD). It has 200ml or 192g worth of scrub inside.

Here we see the usual packaging of The Body Shop body products. I love how the body butters and body scrubs are all placed neatly into a cute tub! I love tubs just for how appealing they look haha. However, it is not the most practical of packaging. Especially for this body scrub, when it comes into contact with water, the scrub will turn into a slushy and runny texture. So to keep my scrub clean and fresh, I transfer a little into a smaller tub everytime I wanna use it.
I dug out some of the exfoliator to transfer into another pot.
Texture of whipped up exfoliator
The Body Shop does great body scrubs in a few different textures. I personally like the rougher ones like Coconut and Cocoa, cos they really get down and buff away your dead skin cells. However, the Honeymania one smelt so great, I just couldn't resist getting myself one. *Someone stop me please, I already have the Cocoa and Peach ones half-used at home.*
The Honeymania body scrub is very gentle, so if you're looking for a scrub with some great action going on, this is not the scrub for you. However, I think this is an interesting twist to The Body Shop's body scrubs. It being so gentle allows me to use it on a daily basis. It's so gentle that its perfect for using it daily - I use it daily and my skin didn't react.
I feel that it's best to use this scrub on slightly damp skin. Not on skin that is dripping with water. The scrub will sort of dissolve in water, so I use it on damp skin as I still want some of the scrubby effect.
The scrub turns into a lotion when you rinse it with water, so it can also moisturise your skin. I find that it leaves my skin soft and smooth after using it. Don't need to moisturise after getting out of your shower! :)
This scrub smells absolutely divine. Its not a straight up honey scent, but its more of a floral scent with a dash of honey in it. I love how my bathroom smells after using this! The scent will linger on your skin for a while too, and you'll smell like a walking honeycomb with daisies stuck all over you. :)
Overall, I think this scrub is great. Not the harshest, its really gentle, which makes it great for daily use. The scent is awesome as well. Go to the nearest Body Shop and give this product a whiff! I don't think you'll be able to step out without getting yourself a tub. (Just like how I bought it after a sniff).
I also got the Honeymania body butter and lip butter, so now I have a happy little family of Honeymania products... ^_^ Anyway, click here if you're interested to read my Honeymania body butter and lip butter reviews!
Tried the Honeymania body scrub? Yay or nay?
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